Developer Docs & DX Research
I have experience writing developer documentation, improving developer-focused products and developer tooling, building developer portals, and leading developer experience (DX) research.
Developer Tooling: integration guides, API reference, openAPI specs, SDKs and libraries, tutorials, troubleshooting guides, high-level overviews, user flow diagrams, FAQs
Lead Technical Writer & UX Researcher, Unstoppable Domains
Mobile Docs, iOS & Android
I have experience writing customer-facing user documentation for mobile apps (iOS and Android) and supported the mobile app engineering team in this capacity. I developed a brand new set of documentation for our newly redesigned mobile apps as previous documentation did not exist, outside of a few random guides in the Support Center docs.
Technical Writing: quick start guides, user how-to guides, FAQs, general learning/informational materials, update support center docs to point to new mobile docs, templates for how-to guides, CSS formatting
Lead Technical Writer & UX Researcher, Unstoppable Domains
Web Development & UX Research
This was a volunteer, part-time, remote position at a non-profit where I served as the only web developer for the first two years. As one of the founding members of the organization, I served as Board Member at the initial founding and later shifted to the role of Website Coordinator & Co-Chair of the Website and Communication Committee.
Web Design & UX Research: developed a research agenda for iterative testing and implementation of the content navigation, including accessible and responsive web functionality; attended to SEO, site meta data, information architecture.
Lead Web Developer & Technical Writer, OWCA